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Side B

The second event in the Side A / Side B weekend

Sunday 15th January 2017

Side B – Sunday afternoon listening event

Venue: A Backyard, 13 Forbes St, West Hobart
Time: 12-3pm

A curated selection of made-for-radio / pre-recorded narrative and non-narrative sound pieces for a meditative Sunday afternoon. Beanbags and bar for your listening pleasure.

Selected by Bridget Hickey and Lucy Parakhina

You can find all the details about the pieces presented at Side B and listen to them online below:

  1. Soundproof: In Prototype Days: sounds and stories from the Sound Preservation Association of Tasmania
  2. Poetry, Texas
  3. 99% Invisible – The Sounds of the Artificial World
  4. Soundproof: Jim Denley live
  5. Soundproof: Pip Stafford
  6. Soundproof: The remote series I: Voyage there and back
  7. Soundproof: Basement tapes of the mole cabal: Donny, the mouse, me and Faust
  8. Earshot: Easy Love