Distorted: Illusions through the camera lens
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10 May – 1 June
Main space: Alex Bishop-Thorpe (SA), Alice Blanch (SA), Andrew Dearman (SA), Aurelia Carbone (SA), Pete Maarseveen (TAS), James Tylor (SA) and Felix Wilson (TAS) – Distorted: Illusions through the camera lens
Distorted: Illusions through the camera lens is a touring group exhibition that showcases new and experimental work from seven emerging photo-media artists living in both Adelaide and Hobart. The show explores the many optical illusions that can be created by the camera’s lens. Each artist brings a unique approach to making images but share a common concern, the nature of photographic representation and the relationship of the lens to the eye and brain. All the while questioning the so-called ‘truthful’ nature of the camera. Distorted was exhibited at Tooth and Nail in Adelaide during March 2013 before travelling to Constance ARI in Hobart in April 2013.