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14 February 2015– 7th March 2015

Exhibition Launch:   6pm Friday 13th February, 2015




Julia McInernery, Fruit, 2015.

Consisting of four works, the exhibition Nightlung draws upon a range of seemingly disparate materials and points of reference, from burnt black apple seeds to Aerogel*, from tennis courts to breath routes, from aluminium anchors to Virginia Woolf. Questions of language and sculpture lie at the crux of McInerney’s practice; the floor sheet is designed to act as a kind of map, offering threads of information and cues that invite the viewer to bridge and intermingle the realms of physical objects with that of the literary.

* Aerogel is thus far the lightest solid to have ever been manufactured. Having a constitution of 98.2% air, it is applied in two of the works in the exhibition—in both its fine particle and solid block forms—as a sculptural syntax for breath or lungs. Amongst its practical uses, Aerogel is employed to gather dust particles from outer space for research purposes.